Adoption Congratulations Messages and Quotes

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Adoption Congratulations Messages

We cannot express how happy we are for your beautiful, complete family. Wish your growing family the best.


Adoption Congratulations Messages

You will be the greatest parent in the world. We Cannot wait to see your utmost love spreading over your growing family. Congratulations.


Adoption Congratulations Messages

Best wishes and blessings to you and your growing family on this wonderful adoption.


Adoption Congratulations Messages

You have shown one of the greatest acts of selflessness, love, and kindness through this adoption. May your beautiful family thrive with happiness in the future. Congratulation.


Adoption Congratulations Messages

You both deserve to be parents. Congratulations on your adoption!


Adoption Congratulations Messages

The long journey of adoption finally comes to an end, and we cannot wait to see the beautiful baby in your home. Congratulations on your dream being fulfilled.


Adoption Congratulations Messages

May your lovely family prosper and stay healthy and happy always. Congratulations.


Adoption Congratulations Messages

The baby girl is really fortunate to have such great people as you both as her parents. Congratulations.


Adoption Congratulations Messages

I am delighted to see your long dream of adopting coming true. The baby boy is a blessing to your family. Congratulations.


Adoption Congratulations Messages

I cannot still figure out who is more blessed. The baby you are adopting for getting such a godly parent or you for having such a pretty baby. You will both bless each other for years to come. Best wishes.


Adoption Congratulations Messages

We look very much forward to spoiling your new child. Congratulations on becoming a parent. You are so lucky!


Adoption Congratulations Messages

You are an amazing couple who will surely love this adoptive child as their own and it fills my heart with warmth when I think about your new family. Congratulations.


Adoption Congratulations Messages

Congratulations on this new addition to your beautiful growing family. May the new member fill your home with blessings and happiness.


Adoption Congratulations Messages

If there is one thing I can give a guaranty of, that would be how fantastic parents you will be to this adoptive child. Thank you for taking such a kind and brave step.


Adoption Congratulations Messages

You have dreamt of parenthood for so long and finally, it becomes real. We are so much delighted for you two. Congratulations.


Baby Boy Adoption Congratulations Messages

I pray and hope you have the happiest life with your baby boy. Congratulations.


Baby Boy Adoption Congratulations Messages

You are a brave person to adopt this beautiful boy and give him a loving home and family. I cannot be happy enough for you and the boy. Congratulations dear.


Baby Boy Adoption Congratulations Messages

It is not easy to welcome someone in your life and decide to accept someone not your own. But you are a symbol of strength and kindness. Congratulation to the adopted baby boy and to your family.


Baby Boy Adoption Congratulations Messages

Your son is so lucky to have been adopted by parents, I know, will make all his dreams come true. Congratulations to him and you.


Baby Boy Adoption Congratulations Messages

You adopting this boy and giving him home is so brave and selfless. I am so proud of you. Congratulations.


Baby Boy Adoption Congratulations Messages

Your adopted baby boy will be your knight in shine armor one day. Mark my word! Wish you and the baby all the happiness in the world.


Baby Boy Adoption Congratulations Messages

This adoption fulfills two dreams at a time. Your dreams to become a parent and the boy’s dream to have a loving family. Congratulations to both of you.


Baby Boy Adoption Congratulations Messages

Just spoil the new baby boy rotting him with your love and hugs. Congratulations on having your family completed.


Baby Boy Adoption Congratulations Messages

This boy has come into your life and family as a gift from heaven. Embrace it. Congratulations!


Baby Boy Adoption Congratulations Messages

Can’t wait to meet your son and pamper him. Congratulations on your adoption.


Baby Girl Adoption Congratulations Messages

You have done a wonderful thing and I know you will be an amazing parent to this pretty baby girl. Congratulations on the successful adoption.


Baby Girl Adoption Congratulations Messages

Your family is finally complete with the arrival of this beautiful girl. Congratulations.


Baby Girl Adoption Congratulations Messages

Give the girl all the love and affection of the world. I am so happy for you. Congratulations.


Baby Girl Adoption Congratulations Messages

I cannot wait to meet your wonderful baby girl. Congratulations on the adoption.


Baby Girl Adoption Congratulations Messages

Adopting a child is way harder than giving natural birth to a baby. I am so happy that you have done this hard job possible. The baby girl is very lucky to have you as her parents. Best wishes.


Baby Girl Adoption Congratulations Messages

Your home is full of love and warmth and now you are spreading them into this luckiest girl’s life. We are so proud of you. Congratulations.


Baby Girl Adoption Congratulations Messages

May God bless you with happiness for giving the gift of hope and kindness to an innocent baby girl through this adoption. Congratulation to your growing family.


Baby Girl Adoption Congratulations Messages

I hope you and your new baby girl stay happy and healthy. Congratulations on your adoption.


Baby Girl Adoption Congratulations Messages

The adoption brought a fairy in your family. I can’t wait to meet her. Congratulations.


Baby Girl Adoption Congratulations Messages

Parenthood has finally embraced you. I believe you guys will do the best use of these blessings. Congratulations to both of you and the baby.


Adoption Card Messages

I’m overjoyed to hear about the adoption. Congratulations!


Adoption Card Messages

I am so happy to see your family growing; the adoption is like a miracle. Congratulations.


Adoption Card Messages

Sending blessings of health and happiness to your little boy. Congratulations, you two deserve the joy of parenthood in your life.


Adoption Card Messages

Sending you and your daughter lots of love and blessings. Congratulations.


Adoption Card Messages

Congrats on your adoption. Your baby is going to experience childhood in a home filled up with affection.


Adoption Card Messages

Congratulations on adopting such a lovely little baby. She will bring so much happiness to your family.


Adoption Card Messages

Sending you and your little princess lots of love and hugs and blessings.


Adoption Card Messages

Congratulations on having a new member in your family!


Adoption Card Messages

Congratulations on your adoption; you two will make great parents to the baby boy.


Adoption Card Messages

You both inspire me by adopting this baby boy and bringing him into your home. Congratulations on your adoption.


Adoption Card Messages

Adopting is an act of strength and kindness. You adopting this baby is brave and noble. Congratulations.


Adoption Quotes and Bible Verses

“Parenthood requires love, not DNA.” – Unknown


Adoption Quotes and Bible Verses

“Adoption is when a child grew in its mommy’s heart instead of her tummy.” – Unknown


Adoption Quotes and Bible Verses

“Little souls find their way to you, whether they’re from your womb or someone else’s.” – Sheryl Crow


Adoption Quotes and Bible Verses

“Adopted. Big deal; so was Superman.” – Chris Crutcher


Adoption Quotes and Bible Verses

“Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation.” – Robert A. Heinlein


Adoption Quotes and Bible Verses

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families…” – Psalms 68:5-6a


Adoption Quotes and Bible Verses

“Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me. – Matthew 18:5


Adoption Quotes and Bible Verses

“There are times when the adoption process is exhausting and painful and makes you want to scream. But, I am told, so does childbirth.” – Scott Simon


Adoption Quotes and Bible Verses

“Family is not defined by our genes, it is built and maintained through love.” – Amalia G.


Adoption Quotes and Bible Verses

“Theirs is the adoption as sons; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship, and the promises. – Romans 9:4


Adoption Quotes and Bible Verses

“However motherhood comes to you, it’s a miracle.” – Valerie Harper


Adoption Quotes and Bible Verses

“Adoption is not the call to have the perfect, rosy family. It is the call to give love, mercy, and patience.” – Hope For Orphans


Adoption Quotes and Bible Verses

“Somehow destiny comes into play. These children end up with you and you end up with them. It’s something quite magical.” – Nicole Kidman


Adoption Quotes and Bible Verses

“Adoption was a bumpy ride – very bumpy. But God, was it worth the fight.” – Mariska Hargitay


Adoption Quotes and Bible Verses

“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me.” – Matthew 18:5


Adoption Quotes and Bible Verses

“I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.” – 1 Samuel 1:27


Adoption Quotes and Bible Verses

“But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 To redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.” – Galatians 4:4-5