World Environment Day Messages and Quotes

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World Environment Day Messages

Happy World Environment Day 2021. Let us work hand in hand to make this world a healthier and safer place for our kids.


World Environment Day Messages

Let’s give our generation a healthy and green environment. Happy World Environment Day.


World Environment Day Messages

If today we nurture nature, it’ll give a beautiful future. Let’s take proper steps to make a green environment.


World Environment Day Messages

We should not hurt the earth, so she loves us always. Whatever happens to the world will happen to us.


World Environment Day Messages

Let not make any compromise while saving the earth—best wishes on this world environment day.


World Environment Day Messages

Happy World Environment Day to you all. Today is the day to remind us how important it is to save the earth.


World Environment Day Messages

Let’s make a promise to the world that we won’t harm her anymore, and we’ll make it a healthier one.


World Environment Day Messages

We should do something for nature every day, no matter how tiny it is. Happy World Environment Day.


World Environment Day Messages

Let’s take proper steps to protect the earth and biodiversity. It’s time for us to give everything to nature.


World Environment Day Messages

Happy Environment Day to everyone. Any day can be the best day to pamper nature. Let’s keep the world green and healthy.


World Environment Day Messages

It’s time to take proper steps to save the earth, or our next generation will be harmed.


World Environment Day Messages

The best gift we can give the earth is planting more and more trees. Happy World Environment Day.


Slogan on World Environment Day

In 2021, our motto and plan, ecosystem restoration.


Slogan on World Environment Day

Keep calm and keep clean the environment.


Slogan on World Environment Day

The environment is our mother. Save it, save a life.


Slogan on World Environment Day

There is no other earth so let’s save our environment.


Slogan on World Environment Day

We should invest as much as we can to save the world.


Slogan on World Environment Day

Keep your country clean, don’t make it a dustbin.


Slogan on World Environment Day

Planting a tree every day is enough to save the earth.


Slogan on World Environment Day

Every day should be environment day.


Slogan on World Environment Day

Let’s increase the development and reduce the destruction.


Slogan on World Environment Day

Be committed to saving the environment.


World Environment Day Quotes

“All must pay the debt of nature.” – Annie Proulx


World Environment Day Quotes

“We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment.” – Margaret Mead


World Environment Day Quotes

“Deforestation is changing our climate, harming people and the natural world. We must, and can, reverse this trend.”- Jane Goodall


World Environment Day Quotes

“What is the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?”- Henry David Thoreau”


World Environment Day Quotes

“We are the first generation to feel the effect of climate change and the last generation who can do something about it.”- Barack Obama


World Environment Day Quotes

“Our planet’s alarm is going off, and it is time to wake up and take action!” – Leonardo DiCaprio


World Environment Day Quotes

“A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.”- Franklin D. Roosevelt


World Environment Day Quotes

“Environment is no one’s property to destroy; it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect.” – Mohith Agadi


World Environment Day Quotes

“By polluting the oceans, not mitigating CO2 emissions, and destroying our biodiversity, we are killing our planet. Let us face it, there is no planet B.”- Emmanuel Macron


World Environment Day Quotes

“Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plans to protect man.” – Stewart Udall


World Environment Day Messages for Card

It’s time to wake up and save the world before everything goes out of hand.


World Environment Day Messages for Card

The earth needs to be protected, and together we can do it. Happy world environment day!


World Environment Day Messages for Card

One small step done by a million people can save the world. We have done much injustice to our environment, and now we need to correct it all.


World Environment Day Messages for Card

Start today to save tomorrow. There should be no tomorrow in taking steps to save the earth.


World Environment Day Messages for Card

Saving the environment means saving a life. Let’s make the world environment day more successful by taking an oath to protect nature. Happy world environment day!


World Environment Day Messages for Card

We are already too late. Let’s put together everything before the earth dies.


World Environment Day Messages from Organization

If not today, we will repent later. So let’s protect the world and biodiversity.


World Environment Day Messages from Organization

Let’s work together to save our planet from everything harmful—warm wishes to everyone on this day.


World Environment Day Messages from Organization

We can give our next generation a beautiful world if we work hard today. Happy world environment day.


World Environment Day Messages from Organization

Happy World Environment Day. Let’s take the responsibility to save our environment. It is high time we took proper steps to save the world.


World Environment Day Messages from Organization

We must protect our environment, and we should come together to save the earth. It is not impossible to save the planet if we work together. Wishing you a Happy World Environment Day.


World Environment Day Messages from Organization

The day reminds us how irresponsible we behaved all these years. Let’s properly use today to save the earth.