50 Best Growing Old Together Quotes For Couples In Love

Love Quotes

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 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“If you live to be one hundred, I want to be a hundred minus one day. So I never have to live a day without you.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“When asked how they managed to stay together for 65 years, the woman replied, “We are born in a time where if something was broke, you fixed it…not throw it away.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“We don’t just get to grow old together. We get to grow up together and that’s the real adventure.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“In the end, we won’t remember the most beautiful face and body. We’ll remember the most beautiful heart and soul.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“I want to hold your hand when we are 80 and say “We made it”.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Some lovers were fortunate enough to grow old together. They’d grown old apart. She did not think him any less handsome. She only wished that she’d been there when the first line on his face had appeared so that she could have stroked and kissed and cherished it.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Growing up is all about to grow old together with the same love as we started together…”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey Hepburn


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Growing old with someone else is beautiful, but growing old while being true to yourself is divine.” – Dodinsky


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“True love isn’t Romeo and Juliet who died together. It’s Grandma and Grandpa who grew old together.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“As we grow older together, as we continue to change with age, there is one thing that will never change…I will always keep falling in love with you.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Love is about growing together as a couple, learning about each other, and not giving up.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“I love you not because of what you have but because of what I feel. I care for you not because you need care but because I want to. I am always here for you not because I want you to be with me, I want to be with you.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it with you.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” – G.B Shaw


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Love doesn’t make the world go round, but it makes the ride worthwhile.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“I’m going to marry someone and we’re going to grow old together then one day we’ll sit on our front porch talking about all the memories we created over the years and still be able to genuinely say we love each other.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Happiness is growing old together with love of your life.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Let’s grow old together, nurturing each other. With everything that we have and not letting anyone to be empty ever.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Being someone’s first love may be great. But to be their last is beyond perfect.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“If growing old together is the relationship goal where is the space for break-ups and patch-ups…?”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“And we shall walk through all our days with love remembered and love renewed.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“I am going to show you, every day and in any way I can, that I love you and want to grow old with you.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“I dream of growing old with you. I dream of spending every single beautiful day together with you for the rest of my life.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Don’t look for a pretty face, it will turn old one day. Don’t look for a soft skin, it will wrinkle one day. But look for a loyal heart, that will miss you every day and love you forever.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Love that is true never grows old.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Happiness is a moment by moment choice. A decision to; Love, Forgive, Grow, and Grow Old Together.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“With my last breath, I’ll exhale my love for you I hope it’s a cold day, so you can see what you meant to me.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“It’s not about how many days, months, or years you’ve been together. Love is about how much you love each other every day.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“May the only thing that grows old in our marriage….be the two of us.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Growing old together and sharing all of your precious moments with someone special is one of the most beautiful things in life…”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“A perfect marriage is two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“When you’re young…you wanna do everything together. When you’re older…you wanna go everywhere together. When you’ve been everywhere and done everything all that really matter is that you’re together.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Love is growing old together, witnessing and cherishing all the fine lines that comes with the time while walking down the lane of life.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“I hope we’ll get lucky enough to grow old together.” – Paula Mclain


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Love can’t mature in one room. It has to come out of the full sharing of everything; joys, aspirations, downfalls, all of it. That’s the only real path to love.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“It’s not gonna be easy. It’s going to be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, every day. You and me….every day.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Good relationships don’t just happen. They take time, patience, and two people who truly want to be together.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“When we get to the end of our lives together, the house we had, the cars we drove, the things we processed won’t matter. What will matter is that I had you, and you had me.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“The very thought of growing old used to scare me. Now, I do not fear that anymore because I will get to spend it with you.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“I may not be your first love, first kiss, first sight, or first date but I just want to be your last everything.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Love is growing old together, but staying young at heart.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Falling in love is easy, staying in love is hard.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“I want us to grow old together and live a life full of love, happiness, and naughty adventures.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Let’s grow old and very annoying together.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“No matter how old we grow. I promise to be by your side and be the best companion to get us through.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Growing old with someone you love is priceless.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“The secrets to long-lasting relationships; two people working, standing, wanting, being together, and seeing the future together.”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“Grow old along with me….the best is yet to come!”


 Quotes About Growing Old Together

“True love doesn’t happen by accident. It’s deliberate, it’s purposeful, it’s intentional and in the end….it’s worth it.”