65 Self Defense Quotes To Inspire You To Be Self Reliant

Motivational Quotes

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Self Defense Quotes

“Self-defense is a life style. Always prepare, always protected.”


Self Defense Quotes

“Self-defense is a part of the law of nature; nor can it be denied the community, even against the king himself.” – William Barclay


Self Defense Quotes

“In self-defense and in defense of the innocent, cowardice is the only sin.” – Dean Koontz


Self Defense Quotes

“Black Belt — A white belt that never quit.”


Self Defense Quotes

“The right of self-defense never ceases. It is among the most sacred, and alike necessary to nations and to individuals.”- James Monroe


Self Defense Quotes

“Everybody’s got a plan until they get smacked in the face.”- Mike. Tyson


Self Defense Quotes

“There isn’t any real good reason for fighting except self-defense.”- S. E. Hinton


Self Defense Quotes

“Tomorrow’s battle is won during today’s practice.” – Samurai Maxim


Self Defense Quotes

“For every idealistic peacemaker willing to renounce his self-defense in favor of a weapons-free world, there is at least one warmaker anxious to exploit the other’s good intentions.” – Margaret Thatcher


Self Defense Quotes

“Bullying is always going to be a thing. Stop wrapping your kids in cotton wool, teach them to stand up and defend themselves and stop raising a society of victims.”


Self Defense Quotes

“[Self-defense is] justly called the primary law of nature, so it is not, neither can it be in fact, taken away by the laws of society.”- William Blackstone


Self Defense Quotes

“It is true that a victim who fights back may suffer for it, but one who does not almost certainly will suffer for it.”- Jeff Cooper


Self Defense Quotes

“Self-defense, self-confidence, discipline and self control. The values you learn are priceless.” – Rickson Gracie


Self Defense Quotes

“Our nation was built and civilized by men and women who used guns in self-defense and in pursuit of peace. One wonders indeed, if the rising crime rate, isn’t due as much as anything to the criminal’s instinctive knowledge that the average victim no longer has means of self-protection.”- Ronald Reagan


Self Defense Quotes

“Pain is weakness leaving the body.”


Self Defense Quotes

“Protecting yourself is self-defense. Protecting others is warriorship.” – Bodhi Sanders


Self Defense Quotes

“I only direct in self-defense.”- Mel Brooks


Self Defense Quotes

“Self-defense….is the only honorable course where there is unreadiness for self-immolation.” – Mahatma Gandhi


Self Defense Quotes

“Your physical safety is up to you, as it really always has been.”- Jeff Cooper


Self Defense Quotes

“The criminal does not expect his prey to fight back. May he never choose you, but, if he does, surprise him.”- Jeff Cooper


Self Defense Quotes

“I carry a gun because when seconds count the cops are minutes away.”


Self Defense Quotes

“Though defensive violence will always be ‘a sad necessity’ in the eyes of men of principle, it would be still more unfortunate if wrongdoers should dominate just men.”- Saint Augustine


Self Defense Quotes

“A tree never hits an automobile except in self defense.” – Woody Allen


Self Defense Quotes

“The two most important things to do for self-defense are not to take a martial arts class or get a gun, but to think like the opposition and know where you’re most at risk.” – Barry Eisler


Self Defense Quotes

“I read in self-defense.” – Woody Allen


Self Defense Quotes

“You do not have the right to take another human’s life, unless it’s in strict self-defense.” – Michael Moore


Self Defense Quotes

“In training self-defense there’s no cost….it’s an investment.” – Coah Michael Joyce


Self Defense Quotes

“Listening to the average martial artists talk about real world violence is like listening to ten year olds talk about sex.”- SGT. Miller


Self Defense Quotes

“Self-defense is Nature’s eldest law.”- John Dryden


Self Defense Quotes

“The first right of every human being is the right of self-defense. Without that right, all other rights are meaningless. The right of self-defense is not something the government bestows upon its citizens. It is an inalienable right, older than the Constitution itself. It existed prior to government and prior to ...


Self Defense Quotes

... the social contract of our Constitution.”- Larry


Self Defense Quotes

“It is much easier and safer to scare someone into submission than to beat them into submission.” – SGT Rory Miller


Self Defense Quotes

“The principle of self-defense, even involving weapons and bloodshed, has never been condemned, even by Gandhi.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.


Self Defense Quotes

“Fighting corruption is not just good governance. It’s self-defense. It’s patriotism.”- Joe Biden


Self Defense Quotes

“The essential thing is to bear always in mind that trouble can appear at any time. Be aware. Be ready. Be alert.”- Jeff Cooper


Self Defense Quotes

“Self defense is recovery from stupidity or bad luck.”- SGT Miller


Self Defense Quotes

“Lying is an elementary form of self defense.”


Self Defense Quotes

“Apathy is the self-defense of the powerless.”- Letty Cottin Pogrebin


Self Defense Quotes

“When you shoot someone who is fleeing, it’s not self-defense. It’s an execution.” – Stephen Carter


Self Defense Quotes

“Though violence is not lawful, when it is offered in self-defense or for the defense of the defenseless, it is an act of bravery far better than cowardly submission. The latter befits neither man nor woman. Under violence, there are many stages and varieties of bravery. Every man must judge this for himself. No ...


Self Defense Quotes

... other person can or has the right.”- Mahatma Gandhi


Self Defense Quotes

“Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.” – George Orwell


Self Defense Quotes

“Fall seven times, stand up eight.” – Japanese Proverb


Self Defense Quotes

“The right of self defense never ceases. It is among the most sacred, and alike necessary to nations and to individuals, and whether the attack be made by Spain herself or by those who abuse her power, its obligation is not the less strong.” – James Monroe


Self Defense Quotes

“Your mind-set is your primary weapon.”- Jeff Cooper


Self Defense Quotes

“War, except in self-defense, is a failure of moral imagination.” – Bill Moyers


Self Defense Quotes

“It is high time for society to stop worrying about the criminal, and to let the criminal start worrying about society. And by “society” I mean you.”- Jeff Cooper


Self Defense Quotes

“How you train is how it will come out.” – David James


Self Defense Quotes

“The principle of self defense is an American tradition that began at Lexington and Concord.” – Robert F. Williams


Self Defense Quotes

“A man strikes you, make him bleed. He makes you bleed, you break his bones. He breaks your bones, kill him. Being hit is inevitable, strike back twice as hard.” – Bruce Lee


Self Defense Quotes

“Defense involves three things: courage, energy, intelligence.” – Don Meyer


Self Defense Quotes

“I have a self-defense mind. I’ve had it all my life.”- Conor McGregor


Self Defense Quotes

“Let your attacker worry about his life. Don’t hold back. Strike no more after he is incapable of further action, but see that he is stopped.”- Jeff Cooper


Self Defense Quotes

“Real schools ought to provide people with techniques of self-defense, but that would mean teaching the truth about the world and about the society, and schools couldn’t survive very long if they did that.”- Noam Chomsky


Self Defense Quotes

“Self defense is a short list of techniques that may get you out alive when you’re already screwed.” – SGT Miller


Self Defense Quotes

“I am never proud to participate in violence, yet I know that each of us must care enough for ourselves that we can be ready and able to come to our own defense when and wherever needed.”- Maya Angelou


Self Defense Quotes

“Feeling confident in your ability to protect yourself empowers you to live with less fear and more – FREEDOM.”


Self Defense Quotes

Luke 11:21 “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own mansion, his property is safe.” – Self Defense Quote From The Bible


Self Defense Quotes

“Self-defense is not just a set of techniques; it’s a state of mind, and it begins with the belief that you are worth defending.”- Rorion Gracie


Self Defense Quotes

“The Second Amendment does protect the right to people to possess weapons for self-defense in the home. That’s what the Supreme Court said.” – Laurence Tribe


Self Defense Quotes

“Murder begins where self-defense ends.”- Georg Buchner


Self Defense Quotes

“I don’t even call it violence when it’s in self defense; I call it intelligence.”- Malcolm X


Self Defense Quotes

“Self-defense is the clearest of all laws; and for this reason – the lawyers didn’t make it.” – Douglas Jerrold


Self Defense Quotes

“Self-defense is a virtue, Sole bulwark of all right.” – Lord Byron


Self Defense Quotes

“There’s only one basic principle of self-defense- you must apply the most effective weapon, as soon as possible, to the most vulnerable target.”- Bruce Lee


Self Defense Quotes

“When it comes to self defense, it is better to have the power and not need it than to need it and not have it.”


Self Defense Quotes

“Self-defense is so important to know in today’s society. It’s not just that you might get mugged. It’s more for confidence. It’s the way you hold yourself when you walk into a room. Every step you take is more sure and you’re much more aware of your surroundings. So, I think it’s a really important ...


Self Defense Quotes

... thing – especially for women.”- Milla Jovovich


Self Defense Quotes

“Self-defense is not only our right; it is our duty.”- Ronald Reagan