Accommodating Your Dog While Traveling

Many people consider pets a hindrance to travel but there are a few options available for dog owners who want to vacation. One option for a pet owning traveler is taking the dog along on the trip. Pet owners can search online for hotels that allow dogs but should verify weight limitations and check for daily pet fees. If bringing a pet on a vacation isn’t an option, finding a pet sitter might be the next best choice. Pet owners can always ask a friend to take care of their dog, but another popular option is to search the classified ads on Craigslist for a pet sitter.

If a pet owner wants a pet to fly with them, the pet can sometimes travel under the seat in the cabin of the airplane. The option to fly in the cabin is only available on some airlines and only for small dogs. For most pet owners, the cabin will not be an option so their dog will only be able to fly in the cargo area of the airplane.

When flying a pet in the cargo area, signed paperwork from the veterinarian is usually needed due to the difficult environment. Pet owners should take measures to make the trip as easy as possible for the animal. Some ideas for making a pet comfortable en route include:

Providing a crate. The crate should be hard-sided for the safety of the pet.

Supplying food bowls that attach to the crate. Feeding instructions should also be included.

Affixing visible stickers to the crate. The stickers should clearly state the presence of an animal and include the owner’s contact information.

An alternative to having a pet travel with the owner is hiring a pet transport company. This is a more costly approach but usually much more comfortable for the animal.

One more option for accommodating a pet while vacationing is using a pet kennel company. These types of companies vary a lot in cost and services. Some kennels do a minimal amount of work and may only take the dog out of a crate a couple of times a day; some will engage the animals extensively, allowing them to exercise and interact with other animals.

There is also sometimes a kenneling option at the destination. Some popular tourist areas have pet kennels, allowing a pet owner the opportunity to visit his or her pet while on vacation.

Deciding what to do with a pet during a trip can be difficult and all options should be weighed carefully. With comfortable arrangements, the vacation time can end up being just as enjoyable for the pet as it is for the pet owner.