Feel Tired Daily? 6 Biggest Causes of Fatigue

There are many reasons why you are so tired all the time. Busy schedules, lots of important tasks to accomplish, workouts, cooking, household chores, family issues, money issues, lack of sleep, poor nutrition…all these and many other things can lead to chronic fatigue. When you always feel tired, you can’t do anything and you just stop living a happy and healthy life.

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While it’s important to consult your doctor, you can read about some of the biggest causes of fatigue right now and hopefully, eliminate these causes for good:

1. Lack of physical activity

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, it may be one of the biggest causes of fatigue. You might say that you are a super busy lady who doesn’t have time to go to the gym or to run in the morning. Actually, you don’t have to. Doing morning exercises with your kids, going for a short walk during your lunch break and in the evening, taking the stairs instead of elevator are all those little things that will make you feel and look healthier. Plus, they will boost your energy levels. No matter how tired you are, aim to do a few exercises daily to fight stress and fatigue.

2. Lack of sleep and insomnia

Nowadays many people get about 4-5 hours a night. Some people work till late at night, trying to make more money, while others simply watch TV or party till the dawn. An occasional lack of sleep may not make you feel tired all the time. But if you get less than 6 hours of sleep each night, it can lead to a chronic fatigue and numerous health issues. Make a habit of going to bed earlier and sleeping 7-8 hours each night. However, if you suffer from chronic insomnia, make sure to visit your doctor. Stress is often the main cause of insomnia, so you should also learn how to combat stress in a healthy way.

3. Stress

Stress is the main cause of almost every disease. If you are stressed, it’s no wonder you are feeling so tired. Chronic stress can lead to chronic insomnia and depression. Stress is inevitable so it’s vital to learn how to relieve it and avoid it, wherever possible. If you feel overwhelmed by work stress, take a break, drink a chamomile tea, go for a short walk or simply take a short nap. My everyday life is full of stress, a short midday nap is something that helps me cope with stress, feel refreshed, and accomplish my projects faster.

4. Poor time management

Poor time management can affect your health too. The thing is, poor time management could lead to decreased productivity and stress, and stress can cause fatigue. To avoid it, develop a habit of making to-do lists daily, making sure that those lists are not too long. Learn to prioritize your tasks and try to accomplish the most important tasks first. Break the habit of working the whole day and night – you have the whole day for your tasks. This way, you won’t earn more money; it can lead to serious health problems instead. After all, wealth is nothing without health!

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5. Poor nutrition

If you are trying to lose weight, you probably stick to a very strict diet that makes you feel sluggish and tired all the time. It’s important to eat healthy and get all the necessary nutrients your body needs. Avoid consuming too much sugar and sugary drinks, opt for fruits and lemon water instead. Make a habit of eating an apple each day and see the results. If you crave something sweet, consider eating a banana. Stay away from high-fat, processed food as well.

6. Toxic people

It may sound a bit strange, but being in a toxic relationship/friendship can make you chronically tired as well. If you feel exhausted around someone, let go of them, even if you’ve known them for 15 years. Easier said than done, but once you do it, you’ll feel much better. Spend more time with positive people, keep a positive attitude, follow the tips mentioned above, and you will forget about your fatigue.

Dealing with fatigue is never fun and you may even need to see your doctor. However, if these six things make you feel tired and unhappy, be sure to make some significant changes in your lifestyle. Keeping a positive attitude plays a crucial role in your physical and mental health as well. Hopefully, these little tips will help you live a better lifestyle. What’s the biggest cause of your fatigue? Which changes are you going to make in your lifestyle?