5 Snacking Habits That Show You Are a Full-Fledged Adult

Sure, you might still need an adult when it comes to figuring out how to buy a home or who to call when you need certain repairs done, but when it comes to snacking, you know you are a full-fledged “real” grown-up. That is because your foodie habits have shifted.

Whether it is a desire to be healthier or not, one day we all wake up and realize we are munching away on carrot sticks and hummus instead of Buffalo chicken dip and crackers. So are you a real grown-up by snack standards? Let’s find out.

1. You turn to cut vegetables more often than chips when you feel snacky

At this point in your life, you still love chips but you know there are a time and a place for them. Gone are the days of sitting in a bean bag chair in front of the TV mindlessly munching.

Now you have got your stash of cut-up carrots and celery along with your hummus or even ranch or blue cheese dressing to help you crunch through those intense thrilling turns in your favorite shows and movies.

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2. You eat kale without retching

When Mom attempted to make you eat kale years ago, your response was to make a gagging sound while pointing your finger down your throat. Now you call her and tell her how you found an even better recipe for making kale chips or that you just created a way better kale-version of the famed Brown Derby Cobb Salad. Oh yeah!

3. You can’t get enough avocado

Sure, you liked avocado enough in your younger years, but mostly in the form of guacamole on your tacos. Now that you are a “real” grown-up, you find ways to top avocado on everything, from salads to burgers.

4. You deliberately eat spicy things

Spicy foods are hard for kids to endure, but as our minds and bodies mature, so too do our palates. If you loved dipping fries in mayo, now you are more inclined to dip them in sriracha-infused mayo. You might even take some fresh jalapeсo peppers and slice them up to dip in your hummus. It is at our ripe old age that we come to realize that spice is nice.

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5. You have “real” grown-up serving dishes

In college, you could get away with pouring your barbecue sauce into a puddle onto your plate along with your chicken nuggets. Now, even when your bestie comes over to marathon-watch your favorite shows, you trot out proper serving dishes. You actually spoon your hummus into a ramekin. And you arrange all your snacks properly on an actual plate, not one made from paper.

So how did you do? Are you a “real” grown-up by snacking standards? What snack habits do you have that make you feel like you are all grown-up?