7 Ways to Feel Great in the Adult World

It`s often painful for us to meet the end of our childhood. There were a lot of unforgettable moments that seem to go away forever. In fact those moments have already gone, but not your memories about them. Don`t be afraid of an adult life, it gives you so many indispensable advantages, especially independence. There are two types of people: those who regret about their irrevocable past and those who are ready to meet even more cheerful future. If you want to belong to the second type, here are 7 ways to feel great at the end of childhood…

1. Accept changes

We can`t choose whether to grow up or not. It`s a natural process. We need to accept changes on our life way and understand that life is never motionless. If you can’t say goodbye to your childhood, it’s highly important to overstep yourself and move on to the next stage of your life. There are so many pleasant things that are waiting for you, so try to live in the present and think positively about your future.

Read also – 8 Tips to Embrace Change and Stay Happy

2. Enjoy your memories

You`re not a child anymore yet your best memories remain with you forever. Enjoy them, but don`t let them become the main priority as they`ll make you feel regret. People who dwell on their past can`t implement themselves in the present. Look around. The sun is still shining, you`re young and full of energy so let your memories remind you that life isn`t endless and there`s no time for regret.

3. Stop idealizing

When thinking about the childhood, we often idealize all our memories. We look at them through rose-colored glasses and everything seems perfect, but in fact it wasn`t so. Of course, you had less responsibilities and got more attention to yourself, but to be able to have a fully happy life stop sticking to that idealized picture. Focus on your life goals instead.

4. Find the positive side

Your previous life stage was so easy and innocent that makes it difficult to let it go. However, growing up isn`t all about losing those advantages but also gaining other ones. You become an independent adult and all the world is yours. You may do whatever you want and try everything that you couldn`t when you were a child.

5. Stay connected to your childhood

If you worry about forgetting the childhood times, you can always stay connected to your merry past. Take something important for you from the place where you were raised. Ask parents for some pictures or your favorite doll and place it somewhere in your room. It`ll be a constant reminder of that early period of life.

6. Ditch all negativity

While we shouldn`t get rid of those positive sides of being a child, it`s much more difficult but preferable to forget all previous mistakes and negative memories. You won’t have chances to move on if you let your past ruin your adult world. If you can`t let the negativity go, it`ll permanently make you feel miserable and pessimistic.

Read also – Live a Better Life: Collecting Fragments for a Bigger Picture

7. Use your past in the present

You can make your past useful in the present. Bring some aspects of your childhood to your current lifestyle. For example, if your can`t stand being far away from your parents, do something they taught you – be it riding a bicycle or reading before sleep. You can also make meals you loved as a child, or visit your favorite places to relive your childhood days.

Life is changing, so we need to get used to those changes, if we want to be happy. No matter how cheerful you were earlier, you can always try to make even better future. Realize that you`re not a child anymore and take responsibility of your own independent life. Do whatever you want and be happy because there`s no place for painful nostalgia when there are so many ways to satisfy yourself. Remember all positive and forget all negative. Move on, as there`s so much happiness around you. Just put one picture out of your eyes to be able to see another one. Do you still want to stay a kid forever or you`re ready for the next stage of happy life?