9 Random Acts of Kindness You Can Do Online

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You know that person you stalk on social media and tell all your friends about, but never actually comment on anything they post, well give them a compliment. Tell them how much you admire and appreciate what they do, and why. If it’s someone with only a couple hundred or thousand followers, even better. It may feel creepy, but if you leave a genuine, sincere message, it will be highly appreciated.

1. Pay someone a compliment

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Shout out your favourite peeps and tell them what they mean to you. Alternatively, acknowledge someone who has made a difference in your life. If there’s someone who’s not on social media, mention them anyway then screenshot the image and send it to them. You also have the option of recording a video to make it even more personal.

2. Post an inspiring message

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If you have a blog, you could write a post dedicated to someone or a number of people who inspire you. Be generous, honest and authentic. You could even write a poem or create a photo story.

3. Write a blog post about someone who inspires you

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If you’ve been reading someone’s blog for a while and like what they doing, let them know. If you’re in an online group or community where there’s not a lot of interaction, but the host shows up consistently, respond to a post or at least “like” one. Additionally, remember that review you promised to leave the restaurant you loved or that hotel that blew your mind, do it.

4. Leave a meaningful comment or review

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You can do this via social media or a blog post. Let people know about a business or businesses you support and share your experience of using their products or services. Additionally, regularly share their posts on social media. When small businesses are in their early stages, they rely heavily on word of mouth so your referral could be invaluable to them.

5. Promote a small business

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If you’re on holiday or travelling, why not do that old-fashioned thing called sending a postcard. Why? Because I’m sure there are people in your life who do not participate in the online world. And besides, it’s more personal (and unexpected) than sending an e-card, SMS or Whatsapp message.

6. Send a postcard

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Artists often create art inspired by local and global events. You could create something digital to raise awareness of a cause you support. Alternatively, you could create a piece of digital art dedicated to a person or group of people who inspire you. For loved ones, you could put together an online album made up of photos from a recent holiday together, a special occasion

7. Create a piece of digital art

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or celebration or simply a collage of your favourite photos together.

7. Create a piece of digital art

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How often do we shout about great customer service? More specifically, how often do we acknowledge the person providing that exceptional service? Next time you receive excellent customer service, ask for the agent’s name and then let the company and social media world know about the service that person provided.

8. Acknowledge good customer service

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People are now taking matters into their own hands when it comes to making their dreams a reality. If there is a project or business idea that you support, put your money where your mouth is by pledging a donation. It doesn’t have to be a huge amount; gift what you can afford.

9. Support a crowdfunding project

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