9 Unique Ways To Spread Kindness On National Random Acts Of Kindness Day

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We never know when someone’s having a bad day or when they need comfort the most. Putting up an anonymous note with kind, encouraging words can go a long way in making someone’s day a little better.

Leave an anonymous sticky note for your co-workers

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It isn’t every day that we get to hear compliments from the people we know, let alone from strangers. It would surely make a person’s day when you give them a random compliment. Noticed someone wearing a nice pair of shoes? Tell them about it. Or if you’re happy with the service you received from the staff in the café, compliment and thank them for it.

Compliment a stranger

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The act of sharing always feels more rewarding than getting something for yourself. Share some food and grocery items with those who need them most. 

Donate some groceries to your local food bank

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A simple good morning can go a long way. Why don’t you greet the person next to you in the elevator? Also, don’t forget to flash a warm and friendly smile when you do.

Greet a person standing next to you in the elevator

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It is true that food binds people together. When you feel like working around the kitchen and making some delicious homemade treats or goodies, don’t forget to share. Surprise your co-worker or a neighbor! They’d be happy to dig into a delicious treat prepared with love.

Surprise someone with some homemade meals or goodies

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Appreciating or thanking the people we love is something we often forget. Make it a point to thank them. Let them know how glad you are for having them around. Leave them a note, give them a quick call, shoot them an email or better yet, say it in person. You’ll never know how much a simple “thank you” will mean to them.

Take time to thank the people you love

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People come and go, but there are a few friends who will always stick around. Maybe you have friends whom you haven’t seen or talked to in a while. Give them a ring and ask how they have been doing. Try to catch up or invite them out so you could spend quality time together.

Reconnect with an old friend

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Whether or not you’re someone who loves animals, donate some dog and cat food to the animal shelter near you. Most animal shelters rely on donations. It makes a  huge difference when you can extend some help to animals in need.

Donate dog or cat food to the animal shelter

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Got a little spare time? Use it to run an errand for a busy family member. They will be grateful for the kind gesture.

Run an errand for a busy family member

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