6 Eating Habits to Help You Live a Longer Life

No one knows how long we will live. Life is unpredictable. However, more and more researches show that bad eating habits greatly affect people’s longevity. With a wide variety of tasty processed foods, some of us don’t even remember about the whole foods. Of course, sticking to a healthy diet alone won’t help you live till 150, but it’ll definitely contribute to a better health. Here’s the list of the healthiest types of diet and eating habits that you can adopt today to enjoy a long and healthy life.

1. Eliminate refined foods from your diet

Refined sugars and grains are your worst enemies. Refined foods cause serious diseases, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Just a few easy food swaps can help you improve your overall health and live a longer life. For instance, swap white flour for whole wheat flour, white rice for black or brown rice, white and brown breads for whole grain breads. Avoid consuming store-bought cereals, cookies, and cakes.

2. Make your own kefir and yogurt

Store-bought yogurts and kefirs are high in ingredients that ruin your digestive system instead of helping it. Learn how to make your own kefir and yogurt to boost your metabolism, keep your digestive system healthy, and increase the levels of good bacteria in your gut. Don’t add sugar to your yogurt or kefir. One little store-bought yogurt can contain 3 types of sugar and that’s a huge overdose. Sugar has been shown to cause premature aging and lots of more serious diseases. Opt for natural sweeteners such as agave syrup and honey instead of sugar.

3. Stick to the Mediterranean diet

Perhaps you know how crucial it is to consume many different fresh fruit and vegetables each day. We know it, but how many of us do actually eat them? In truth, not so many. My friends who live in Mediterranean countries can’t imagine their day without fruit and vegetables, which is why they feel healthier, they are active and always happy. Fruit and vegetables are chock-full of vitamins and powerful antioxidants that ward off a huge number of diseases.

Researches show people in Mediterranean countries tend to have lower rates of heart disease and some chronic diseases. So if you need a heart-healthy meal plan that will help you live a longer life, consider sticking to the the Mediterranean diet.

Read also – 7 Best Budget-Friendly (and Healthy!) Foods

4. Eat at home

Research published in Public Health Nutrition, a Cambridge University journal shows that people who cook more than 5 times a week are 47 percent more likely to live longer. When you cook and eat at home, you see what ingredients you use. You can make food swaps, and experiment with fresh and healthy ingredients. Get into a habit of cooking at home to boost your energy, improve your health and life a longer life.

5. Consume Omega-3 fats

Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for good health. From your mind to heart and all the cells in the body, they are the best kind of healthy fats that keep you healthy and extend your lifespan. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish like tuna, salmon, and halibut, as well as in walnuts, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds and chia seeds. These are all healthy and tasty foods you should eat each day.

6. Incorporate superfoods into your weekly meal plan

Superfoods are super healthy, which means you have all chances to live a longer life. Even though most superfoods are rather expensive and hard to get, there are some budget-friendly superfoods everyone can afford to buy. Some of the best superfoods are chia seeds, acai berries, camu camu berries, goji berries, dandelion, flax seeds, turmeric, spirulina, maca, black rice, incaberries, fermented foods, coconut flour, sprouted foods, hemp oil and brussels sprouts.

Read also – 7 Health Benefits of Goji Berries

Pay attention to what’s going into your body when you eat. Nowadays, many people die in their late 20s and early 30s because of serious diseases. If you want to improve your health and eating habits, do it starting today. Don’t waste your precious time. When grocery shopping, avoid buying processed foods. Look for healthier varieties instead. What bad eating habits do you need to quit? What’s the secret to a longer life?