How to Generate Small Wins for Yourself

Having dreams and goals in life is what keeps many of us going day after day. We want to accomplish great things. However, sometimes we lose sight of the steps of reaching that goal because we want to tackle it sooner rather than later and it all seems too overwhelming. In order to be successful at reaching our goals, we need to generate small wins for ourselves. Here is how you can do that.

1. Growth mindset

The first step in reaching a goal is to generate the right mindset. If you feel that only people who were born to be successful in life will be, then you are right. However, if you feel that you can reach those big goals even if you face failure time and time again, you are right too. Take the failures and grow from them. Try a different approach if you fail, but do not give up.

2. Break down big goals

The key to generating small wins is to break big goals down into smaller, more manageable parts. Think about the big picture and the steps you will need to take to get there. Then make each step a smaller goal that you can achieve.

My grandmother used to say, β€œIt is a cinch by the inch, but hard by the yard.” In other words, take small steps to reach that big goal. Break the steps down into parts that will allow you the opportunity to see each success as you work toward the overall goal.

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3. Check off

I do not know about you, but there is something about checking things off my list that makes me feel successful. I suggest that if you are like me, you check off each of the baby steps you broke down from the previous step. You will feel a sense of fulfillment, and it will not be so overwhelming.

4. No pressure

There is absolutely no need to put pressure on yourself to accomplish something quickly. You will need to take your time in order to generate the small wins you want to gain. Remember it is not a race; it is a marathon. Take the time you need to succeed.

5. Celebrate

Most importantly, celebrate each and every small win you gain as you work your way toward the overall picture of what you want to accomplish. As you check each achievement off your list, take time to celebrate. You deserve it! You worked hard.

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It is wonderful that you have a goal or dream for yourself. But, it is important for you to break that big dream down into smaller, attainable steps that you can celebrate as a win each time you cross one off your list.

The goal or dream does not seem so out of reach or overwhelming when you generate small wins to reach that big goal. Train yourself to have a growth mindset, and attain those small wins for yourself. You will soon realize that you are able to be successful, which will motivate you to continue on.