7 Biggest Skin Care Mistakes You Make Every Morning

The skin care has to be just right. Bammmm – right on the spot! Reason being that if things go slightly out of place then the skin certainly has to pay for it. And no one would want that. The skin care department is quite huge, in fact.

Let’s focus on just a small part of it here. The morning skin care, yes. It is certainly a tough job if you have to get up in the morning, prepare breakfast for your family, pack each of them lunch and then in the limited amount of time, concentrate on yourself. Take a look at some of the mistakes you might be making that wreak havoc on your skin causing you to age earlier.

1. Not knowing your skin

First things first! If you do not know your skin type then you are literally standing nowhere with the products you are buying. You have to know whether your skin absorbs more moisture, or it is oily or dry. Choose a cleanser that works for you. Use it with a simple brush, twice a day. Morning and evenings are the best times to cleanse your skin. Twice a day, every day!

2. Skipping the sunscreen

Sunscreen is indeed one of the prime candidates to work on the skin every day. This is because it helps protect the skin against the UV rays of the sun. Moreover, people do not know that they have a sensitive skin. The sunscreen helps in keeping things in order. Apply a sunscreen base to your skin daily. If you don’t, then your skin is missing something extremely important for it.

3. Not changing the washcloth regularly

Cleansing the skin using a washcloth daily is a routine habit. Many people do it and there is nothing wrong with it. The problem arises when people do not change the washcloth regularly. Changing the washcloth helps clean up the dead skin cells, which are otherwise smeared on the skin surface every morning.

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4. Using too many products

The phrase “too many cooks spoil the broth” applies here too. Too many products of different constituents are also not healthy for the skin. Try and use lesser products but of greater quality. It will help keep the budget in check and the skin in shine.

5. Forgetting that lips age faster than the rest of the face

It is a fact and ignoring the facts never helps. The point is to keep the skin afresh. The eye cream must help in this regard. Lips age faster than the rest of the skin on the face. Try applying the eye cream on the upper lip especially. This will help in keeping it fresher. Do not forget about sugar scrubs and lip balms.

6. Not massaging your face

What? In the morning? Yes, ladies, in the moring. Gently massaging your face ensures the beautifully rosy cheeks. The rosy cheeks can only be maintained if the circulation is kept up. Try using your thumbs and forefingers in a round manner. Move them in circles around the face. But do not overdo it.

7. Not getting enough sleep

Lastly, (and this might not be related very closely to the morning make-up) sleep is good for health and keeping the spirit up. If you take around eight hours of sleep daily, you might need fewer makeup products. Make sure you get enough beauty sleep daily to shine brightly in the morning and throughout the day.

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These are just a few skin care mistakes we are guilty of making in the morning. Avoiding them will help you find more free time in your morning routine, not to mention that you will promote your skin health. What are the skin care mistakes you commit regularly that wreak havoc on your entire look?