10 New Year’s Resolutions for a Successful Career in 2018

Whether you’re starting a new job or looking to improve your current career prospects, making a few simple lifestyle changes will help you achieve your professional goals in no time. New Year’s Eve provides the perfect opportunity to turn over a new leaf and focus on learning and developing new skills. The following resolutions will start you on the path to career success and 2018 will be the most successful year ever!

1. Be on time

Punctuality is incredibly important when it comes to making a good impression on your colleagues and managers. Showing up five minutes late for work on occasion may not seem like a big deal, but it gives an impression of sloppiness, poor organisational skills and a lack of commitment.

2. Stay up to date with your chosen industry

Staying up to date with new developments within your industry will give you an edge over your competitors. Take the time to read at least one article per week that applies to your job. You could even attend any nearby workshops or conferences to keep yourself in the loop.

3. Organise yourself

Organisational skills are at the top of every employers list of priorities. Simple acts such as cleaning out your email inbox, organising your desk or even making a to-do list will help you be far more productive at work.

4. Start networking

Getting yourself out there and making contacts is an important part of every career, but in the business world it is practically mandatory. Send emails, arrange lunches or even just pick up the phone and call old contacts to arrange meetings with other people in your industry.

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5. Learn a new skill

It’s never too late to improve your skill set and make yourself a better candidate for promotion. Learn a new language, take a course or simply improve your computer skills to show employers that you are fully committed to furthering your career.

6. Volunteer

Employers love seeing volunteering experience on a person’s resume as it shows that they have a strong work ethic and are motivated by more than just financial rewards. Try volunteering in an area that compliments your chosen career, or you could even volunteer to undertake certain projects or consulting work at your current job.

7. Make social media work for you

Social media can lift your career to dizzying new heights or destroy it completely. Many people have fallen into the trap of posting inappropriate content online only to have it come back to haunt them in their professional lives. Always be aware of the image you are projecting online and use it to your advantage.

8. Improve your image

Making a few subtle changes to your appearance can boost your confidence and help you portray the right image to potential clients. Sort through your work wardrobe, and remove any old or unsuitable clothing. Arriving to work clean and well-presented each and every day is an absolute must.

9. Stop procrastinating

We have all been guilty of procrastinating at some point during the working day. Social networks, smartphone apps and gossiping with co-workers can take up a surprising amount of time. If you struggle to stay focused at work, there are many websites and books that offer valuable tips on improving your concentration.

10. Improve your speaking and writing skills

No matter what industry you work in, there may come a time when you are asked to give a presentation or write a report at short notice. Public speaking can be a nerve-racking experience for many people even if the audience consists of just a few co-workers. Being able to tackle any assignment with confidence will go a long way to impressing your manager.

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By making a few changes to your professional life, you will soon start to reap the benefits of your hard work. The workplace can be extremely competitive, so anything you can do to make yourself stand out from the crowd will serve you well in the future. Once you begin to see the results of your commitment to improving yourself, you may even find that you experience a greater sense of job satisfaction and take more pride in your work than before.