7 Things to Accomplish before You Become a Parent

As a parent, I can state with assurance that the birth of a child can turn your life upside down. If you’ve already decided to have a child, you shouldn’t quickly step back, because life with children has both advantages and disadvantages. You still have time to weigh all pros and cons and discover what you really want in life.

Not long ago, when surfing the Internet, I found a very interesting comparison about children by Elizabeth Gilbert. According to her point of view, having a baby is like getting a tattoo on your face. It means that it’s a very responsible decision for every human being. Babies aren’t toys and you have no right to abandon the child if you become sick and tired of its constant cries and your personal limitations.

Life is a sacrifice and you should realize that parents sometimes have to forget about their hobbies and entertainments. You will have to tolerate emotional overloads, constant tricks and caprices of your tiny and lovely terrorist. A full range of responsibilities won’t give you an opportunity to get back in circulation and have fun.

I think that young people should always try to be wise and reasonable when it comes to marriage and family. Youth is a gift given by heavens. You should try to live this life to the fullest, because you’ll never be able to get back the most productive years of your life. Those people who follow this rule usually have less regrets about lost moments, opportunities and uninteresting childhood. You should love and entertain yourself as well. I’m sure you have enough time to achieve desirable goals and make your dreams come true. I hope these pieces of advice will teach you to value your life and be more careful when making life changing decisions. Children are the greatest accomplishment and the most precious treasure of every adult, but you also deserve to enjoy a beautiful life.

1. Get a driving license

If you still don’t have a driving license, then you should accomplish this task until you’re burdened with a child. Driving lessons might be the most stressful events in the life of many women. Don’t let this event make you stressed and anxious during pregnancy. Many doctors advise young pregnant women avoid nervous situations, because they can do a lot of harm to their future miracle.

A driving license will give you a chance to drive a car and visit many interesting places with your child. Your dream of being free and dynamic will come true. Develop the skill to cope with traffic jams and you’ll drive around a big city like a busy bee. Moreover, you won’t depend on family members or friends who have cars.

2. Start your own business

Nowadays it’s almost impossible to launch your business without taking risks. The birth of a child usually doubles your risks, because you’re a parent and you bear direct responsibility and prosperity of your family. When you don’t have kids, you’re free to play fast and loose. One day your financial adventures can open up some new perspectives. If such is not the case, you’ll lose everything.

When I was a bit younger, I had always dreamt of starting a business. Unfortunately, I couldn’t move my business off dead center due to lack of money and support. When I got pregnant, I became financially prosperous and surrounded by wonderful and caring people. But that time, I couldn’t overcome my fear of taking risks and coping with constant stress. I didn’t want anxious and obsessive thoughts about business stick to my mind. Probably, it was a Murphy’s Law.

Read also – 20 Business Ideas for Teens and University Students

3. Enjoy the silence

Nowadays megapolis dwellers can only dream of the moments of absolute silence. It’s easy to get used to a large number of annoying sounds, but it seems that children’s cries and scream are the worst sounds in the world. Only strong and stress-resistant personalities can stand them. Sure, you’ll have an opportunity to go through this torture, but now you should enjoy and savor every minute of silence and peace in your body. My first baby taught me to value a simple precious thing such as silence.

4. Keep your body fit

It’s strongly recommended to improve your health and change the shape of your body, if necessary, before you become a parent. Pregnant ladies and young mothers usually lack time to divert and take good care of themselves, because they’re always occupied with their housework. As a parent, I know that a mother’s work is never done. Every woman should respect herself and pull out all stops to get in shape and stay beautiful regardless of anything. If you think that beautiful appearance and bright eyes are enough, then you’re mistaken. Doctors advise young ladies to get rid of bad habits and treat all chronic diseases in time. They state that healthy women have more chances to bounce back after baby in a quite short period of time. Go in for sports to improve your physical and mental well-being.

5. Travel

Unfortunately, there’re many people who, for one or another reason, have never been abroad. I have already visited many countries and I’d like to mention that traveling is the best treatment for stress and bad mood. I must confess that the most pleasant and wondrous thing is to pack the bags and get ready for a big adventure. Every time you go to a new country or visit some exotic places, you fill your life with excitement and get valuable experience.

You should realize that youth is the golden time of life when you can take a break and go somewhere far, far away. If you’re afraid of planes, then you can go to your dream city by car, if possible. Even one unforgettable adventure can broaden your horizons and help you see the world in bright colors. Then you’ll be mentally satisfied and ready to become a parent.

Read also – 8 Best Places to Visit in 2015

6. Spend money on yourself

Today, many people tend to save money because life isn’t a bed of roses. I’ve noticed that they also prefer to sacrifice the desires of their hearts and push themselves into the background. It seems to me that they’re afraid of splurging money on themselves. If you’re following the same path, you should quickly get rid of this guilt and buy something that will make you the happiest person in the world. You still have time to enjoy buying things for yourself. I hope you know that having a child is very expensive, especially if you’re not surrounded and supported by parents and grandparents. When you become parent, you’ll have to spend megabucks on children’s clothing and diapers.

7. Develop your identity

Don’t wait for the most suitable moment to improve or change yourself. It’s high time to develop your identity and make an attempt to elicit your inner potential. You’re young and you should do your best to find you calling in life. You’ll be able to spread your wings and reach cherished dreams step by step. Purposeful people can surmount different barriers in spite of everything. Attend personal development seminars, read cognitive psychology books and don’t forget to communicate and cooperate with wise and intelligent personalities. Pregnant ladies can lead an active lifestyle as well, but they’re often limited in time.

Now you’re free like a bird in the sky. You can fly almost in all directions, because you’re not attached to something or someone. You should value the time when you can have parties all night long and travel around the world. Manage your time and money effectively and travel as much as possible. Remember, a happy life is a movement. Think positively and don’t let depressive thoughts spoil the best years of your life. What other things we should accomplish before having a baby? Do you believe that parenting makes people limited in something? Express your point of view!