10 Ideas to Surprise and Delight on Random Acts of Kindness Day

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Letter-writing is an art that many have forgotten, but in the age of email and text there’s something extra-special about holding a physical letter. So why not make one of your friends or family members feel cherished by taking the time to write them a letter?

1. Write a hand-written letter to a loved one

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Leaving a positive review for a neighbourhood restaurant, café or shop that you’ve enjoyed over the years is an easy and important way to encourage others to shop there too — and to boost the spirits of hard-working small business owners.

2. Leave a positive online review for a local business

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Show your support for smaller, local stores by shopping at their establishments instead of Big Box chains. Like big retailers, many smaller stores are offering online shopping and curb-side pickup so you can feel safe when you shop!

3. Shop local

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Imagine the delight in looking out your window to see your neighbour pulling your bins to the curb, especially on cold winter days. You could also offer to do so regularly if your neighbour has mobility issues and struggles to do it themselves.

4. Bring in your neighbour’s garbage and recycling bins if they forget

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Why not pick up the tab on a cup of coffee for the person behind you in the drive-through at your favourite coffee shop? It’s sure to put a smile on their face for the rest of the day! Pay it forward!

5. Buy a cup of coffee for the person behind you in the drive-through

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Donating food to a local food bank is an excellent way to help out families in need.

6. Donate to a local food bank

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Many peoples lack a support network of friends and family and struggle with loneliness and isolation, which can have negative effects on both their mental and physical health. Random Acts of Kindness Day would be a great day to reach out to a friend or neighbour who might be in this position – a simple chat and catch-up with a familiar voice could mean more to them than you know.

7. Call a friend or neighbour who may be lonely

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This thoughtful gesture will show that you’re thinking of them – just make sure to let them know in advance if you’re dropping the goodies off!

8. Drop off a pie, a cake or a batch of cookies to a loved one’s home

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If you’re able to clear snow from your front path, you could help out your neighbour and clear theirs too!

9. Clear snow from your neighbour’s front path

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Random acts of kindness don’t just apply to people. Animal shelters are always in need of extra items to help make the stay more comfortable for our furry friends.

10. Donate used towels or blankets to an animal shelter

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